// ENVIRONMENT OVERLAY DATA -- moved to here is ok?
<LEVTMAP = #blackHole,500,500,Black hole in area., #asteroid,600,200,Asteroid field,>
<TEVTMAP = #wearNTear,1200,-, #fireDrill,2400,-,>
// replace #nothing with ...
// #interstellarDust, #debris, #distortion to obscure the signal!
// #something to indicate scanners detect sucessfully
// use the text message to feed back a more specific description
// <MO_SN_LR> longRangeScan
<MO_SN_LR = 0400,0600,0500,0700,#interstellarDust,A cloud of microparticles is obscuring the signal.; 0400,0600,0500,0700,#something,Long range scan picks up a possible stellar fragment.;>
// <MO_SN_RF> freqScan
<MO_SN_RF = 0400,0600,0500,0700,#something,High-gradient EM fields.;>
// <MO_SN_PA> partSpectraScan
<MO_SN_PA = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
// <MO_SN_GM> gravimetrScan
<MO_SN_GM = 0400,0600,0500,0700,#interstellarDust,Residual nebular material is obscuring any detail.;>
<MO_HQ_EV1 = ALERT: Warp engines not responding. Possible subsystem inadequacies or damage. Refer to System Performance Analysis in the outcome report for symptoms.,
#otherSpeaks,-,Ignore and carry on., #simOver ,-,Stop mission., #HQCmd1,>